Nashville Midwifery, Education, Lactation and Doula Services


Every Mother Wants to Be…



Receive evidence-based information from competent and compassionate midwives, educators, lactation consultants and doulas.

SUPPORTEDOur Educators, doulas and midwives believe in the humanization of mothers and babies through the model of  woman-centered care.


Our educators, doulas and midwives believe in the humanization of mothers and babies through the model of
woman-centered care.



It is our joy to assist your family in experiencing healthy childbearing years, as we believe such experiences have a profound effect.


Which Birth Experience is Right for You?

The best way for you to discover what kind of birth experience you want is to schedule a consultation. Consultations are FREE and do not require a commitment from you other than your time.

Heather Munoz and Britany Hernandez caring for a new mother.

Home Birth Midwifery

Free Consultation
Prenatal Visits + Postpartum Care 
Labor & Delivery Care
Complimentary Birth Pool Rental


Doula Services

Free Consultation
2 Prenatal Appointments
Birth Support
1 Postpartum Appointment

Tara Garner teaching a Healthcare class to students in Nashville, TN

Childbirth Classes

Certified Instructors
Interactive Learning
Private or Group Classes
Comprehensive Information


Your Birth Journey Is Unique Just As Every Mother is Unique.

Nova’s Midwifery Model of Care, holistic and woman-centered, is a a proven approach to home birth.


The pressure of making the right decisions for your birth can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

You don’t have to feel overwhelmed! Our seasoned childbirth educators will walk you through our comprehensive and evidenced-based curriculum, empowering you to grow your confidence for your pregnancy, birth, and postpartum experience.


My husband and I attended the childbirth classes offered by Nova and taught by Katie, these classes were invaluable as a first-time mom and really brought my husband and I closer on this journey together.

— Stephanie, Nashville, TN

Replace fear with information and support. Build your care team, take a class with your partner, and trust in the process of a prepared birth.

Your Path to Empowerment Looks Like This.

Schedule a Consultation
  1. Schedule a Consultation

2. Choose Your Support

2. Choose Your Support

3. Empowered Birth Experience

3. Empowered Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Experience